Psychology Master’s Degree Programs in Kansas

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Picturesque towns like Leawood, Prairie Village, and Overland Park have helped Kansas earn its charming nickname as the Sunflower State, offering a fine quality of life for the people who live and work here. And while this is true for many Kansas residents, the state is not immune to the kind of struggles that only trained psychologists, counselors and social workers are in a position to help remedy. From rising rates of suicide to increasing levels of violent crime to dismal economic conditions in the state’s rural regions, Kansas has its share of social and economic woes.

However, with these issues come opportunities for the state’s psychology professionals, whose expertise is required to examine the origins of, and provide solutions to, some of its most pressing social, health, and economic issues.

In Kansas, a Master’s Degree is All You Need for a Career in Psychology

To become a clinical psychologist in Kansas, you’ll need a doctorate degree from an APA-accredited institution. However, you can earn licensure through the Behavioral Sciences Regulatory Board as a master’s-level psychologist with a master’s degree in psychology. Master’s-level psychologists are permitted to practice clinical psychology in Kansas, provided they do so under the direction of a licensed clinical psychotherapist, licensed psychologist, or even an MD.

Plus, earn a master’s degree in psychology in Kansas and you’ll not only prepare yourself for doctoral work, you’ll satisfy the educational requirements to become a licensed professional counselor or marriage and family therapist through the Behavioral Sciences Regulatory Board.

A master’s degree in school psychology also meets the requirements to become licensed as a school psychologist through the Kansas Department of Education.

Master’s Degree Programs in Kansas to Get Your Career Off the Ground

Unlike most other states, Kansas offers the unique opportunities that come with being able to qualify for professional licenses in a number of different areas with a master’s degree. As a result, you’ll find a number of quality psychology master’s programs here designed to prepare you for professional practice.

For example, Fort Hays State University offers an MS in Clinical Psychology that comes complete with a scholarship or professional development track, while Kansas State University offers a master’s in industrial/organizational psychology.

Examining the Causes of - and Solutions to - Kansas’ Rising Suicide Rate

Between 2006 and 2016, suicide deaths in Kansas increased a troubling 31 percent. And in 2016 alone, suicide was the tenth leading cause of death. Although other health outcomes in the state have improved in recent years, suicide continues to be a major issue, and one that has a close relationship to socioeconomic health disparities that disproportionately affect minority groups.

Community and social psychologists in Kansas study the causes of suicide and the disparities that exist in an effort to develop and implement effective prevention initiatives and mental health services.

A Rising Senior Population Demands Qualified Psychologists in a Variety of Settings

Kansas’ senior population will grow significantly over the next 50 years, so policymakers and leaders in this state must figure out how to serve a population group that is expected to nearly double in size while at the same time entering a stage of life when more and more health and counseling services are needed.

Work as a community or health psychologist in Kansas and you may study the effects a rising senior population will have on everything from the state’s workforce to its hospital systems. Or work in clinical or counseling psychology and your services may be focused on treating mental health issues like anxiety and depression that often accompany aging.

Violent Crime in Kansas Continues its Upward Trend

Jobs in forensic psychology are vital in Kansas, where violent crime continues to rise. Last year’s murder rate was 40 percent higher than the ten-year average. Topeka, for example, had 30 homicides in 2017—the highest number on record.

Whether you work for the courts, law enforcement, or private firms, as a forensic psychologist you’ll examine why criminal activity occurs and explore measures that can be taken to help minimize or prevent crime.

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