Psychology Master’s Degree Programs in Massachusetts

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There’s no question that Boston is the beating heart of Massachusetts, and the New England City and Town Area (NECTA) is the core of the entire New England region. If you wanted to—and many do—you could even call Gillette Stadium in Foxboro the center of the region for die-hard Pat’s fans– Just ask any Bostonian.

Working hard and playing hard are both Massachusetts traditions. You could add studying hard to the list, since the state is one of the oldest centers for college education in the country, with universities like Harvard and MIT, having generations-old reputations for being the most highly regarded institutions in the world, and needing no introduction.

That’s a real strength for anyone looking to earn a psychology master’s degree in the state. So is the fact that Massachusetts has long been a center for social justice, leading the nation in police reform efforts and advocacy for equality, with the unique distinction of being the first in the nation to legalize gay marriage.

If you want a firm base for a career in psychology it all starts with a master’s, and Massachusetts is a good place to get it.

No Better State To Study Psychology in America Than Massachusetts

Massachusetts may well be Mecca for psychology graduate students. You’ve got Harvard,Boston CollegeTufts, the University of Massachusetts… some of the finest and most well-respected psychology programs in the world clustered around Boston and along the I-90 corridor.

They offer a wide range of programs, too, from specialized degrees in child and developmental psychology to experimental and research psychology to standard clinical psychology. The faculty bench is deep and the opportunities for networking and employment post-graduation are broad.

Licensing in Massachusetts is a Snap With a Master’s Degree

A doctoral degree from an APA-accredited school is going to be your minimum credential if you want to become licensed as a psychologist in the Bay State. A master’s degree is a big chunk of that process, however.

You can practice as a licensed mental health counselor or licensed marriage and family therapist in Massachusetts with a master’s degree, though a doctorate is certainly a qualification that clients and many private practice and government employers will notice.

Brain, Behavior, and Cognitive Studies Flourish in Massachusetts

Psychological research is at a fever pitch in Massachusetts, driven by high-caliber schools and world-class medical facilities in the Boston area. Boston University, for instance, ranks as one of the very best in the world among psychology schools on the strength of its research faculty.

Diving into the cognitive, behavioral, and social issues that can be explained by psychological research isn’t just research for the sake of research, however. The successes of such programs drive modern applications in social sciences and in the clinical practice of psychology, which makes a research-oriented degree practical for almost any career objective.

Counseling Can Be a Lucrative Niche in Massachusetts

A psychology master’s degree with a concentration in counseling along with the requisite post-master’s supervised practice hours will satisfy the requirements for the Licensed Mental Health Counselor credential.

The counseling psychology MS from Northeastern University is only one of several that you have to choose from in Massachusetts if a degree in counseling psychology is what you’re after. If your career plans involve paths less traveled, you’ll also find a unique array of specializations in health, forensic, early intervention, and other population-focused concentrations available.

Child Psychologists Get a Jump Start With Psychology Master’s Programs in Massachusetts

Working with children is a kind of joy that every psychologist should have the opportunity to experience. Even working with those from the darkest circumstances and backgrounds can shine a ray of light on the mysterious workings of the human mind and offer opportunities to improve their lives.

While there are kids all over the country that can benefit from strong psychological support, there aren’t nearly as many places you can get a master’s degree in psychology with a professional focus on child and developmental psychology. The Clinical Developmental Health and Psychology MA concentration at Tufts is among the best in this field.

Psychology master’s degrees from Massachusetts schools are highly respected anywhere in the country, so whether you plan to practice here or elsewhere, earning one is a solid investment in your future.

Featured Massachusetts Psychology Degree Programs