Recent Posts by careersinpsychology

Employment Outlook & Career Guidance for Addiction Social Workers

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects faster-than-average job growth for addiction social workers, with an 11% increase in employment by 2031.  One main reason for the growth in this field is that the Affordable Care Act, enacted in 2010, mandates insurance providers cover treatment for mental health issues. With Americans now required to…
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Employment Outlook & Career Guidance for Disability Policy Social Workers

The American Disabilities Act of 1990 states, “The Congress finds that physical or mental disabilities in no way diminish a person’s right to fully participate in all aspects of society, yet many people with physical or mental disabilities have been precluded from doing so because of discrimination … the Nation's proper goals regarding individuals with…
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Pastoral Counseling Careers

Pastoral counselors are psychologically trained ministers of faith who are responsible for tending to the physical and emotional needs of their followers or congregations. They work within the religious community and are a result of the belief that therapy can be combined with faith and science. They can help followers with a wide range of afflictions including family issues, depression, abuse and substance issues.

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Conflict Resolution Careers

Conflict resolution is the art and science of resolving disputes in healthy and mutually agreed-upon ways. When handled correctly, conflict can actually be a good thing that leads to teamwork and better communication. When handled incorrectly, it can permanently damage relationships, slow progress and create even larger issues. A conflict resolution mediator is essential in a variety of professional fields and can often same companies or people time and money that would have been otherwise wasted.

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The Emergence of Fashion Psychology

Fashion Psychology is the integration and utilization of the science of psychology and the industry of fashion to create manageable therapeutic tools that ultimately assist in the development of desired results in both clients' perceptions of self, their behaviors, and moods as well as targeted objectives within the business model. It is important to distinguish…
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Engineering Psychology Careers

Engineering psychology is the science of human behavior in the operation of systems. This means engineering psychologists are primarily focused on anything that affects the performance of those who operate the system. This means studying and applying ergonomic equipment designs and optimizing the efficacy of the machine design. This also means analyzing and applying training procedures and principles that will help get the most out of human operators of the systems as well.

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Employment Outlook & Career Guidance for Child Abuse Counselors

The latest statistics from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) project that the demand for child abuse counselors (grouped in with mental health, substance abuse, and behavioral counselors) will increase by 22% between the years of 2021-2031. For context, the BLS expects employment in most fields to increase by only 5% in the same…
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Guide to Kickstarting Your Career in Psychology

Congratulations. You graduated from college and earned a degree as a healthcare professional – counselor, social worker, psychologist, or therapist. Now what? Psychology programs, across all subfields of psychology, graduate nearly 7,000 new doctorates each year. That said, with a shifting economic landscape, practicing psychologists putting off retirement, and an influx of new healthcare laws,…
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Employment Outlook & Career Guidance for Probation Officers

Although it is widely thought that the job of a parole officer and probation officer are alike, there is one main difference. A probation officer is in charge of people who have committed lesser crimes, but do not go to prison. Instead offenders fulfill their sentence(s) outside of prison, whereas a parole officer is in charge…
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