Recent Posts by careersinpsychology

Becoming an Environmental Psychologist

Environmental Psychologists take part in the study of environment and the psychological interaction that takes place in certain types of environments. It is believed that the understanding of an environment and how people interact with it can help to increase productivity, increase or decrease comfort, increase or decrease creativity, etc.

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Serve the Community as a Probation Officer

A probation officer is a professional that monitors offenders and makes sure that they abide by the rules and follow the conditions of the probation. Although they have some similar duties, parole officers and probation officers are actually very different. For instance, parole officers monitor offenders that have warranted an early release from a correctional facility; these are typically violent or repeat offenders. Probation officers, on the other hand, typically monitor nonviolent or first-time offenders, or offenders that have committed minor crimes.

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Social Work as a Parole Officer

A parole officer’s job is to assist and monitor parolees as they adjust to their new-found freedom. They help former inmates with everything from finding employment to dealing with old problems, like substance abuse. A parole officer may also be the one to decide whether a parolee goes back to prison.

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Developing a Career in Corrections Social Work

What Is a Correctional Treatment Specialist? As one would imagine, being incarcerated is one of the most stressful and emotionally disturbing events that can happen to a person. In addition to dealing with the emotional stress of being incarcerated, inmates must also prepare for their release back into society, which can be equally – if…
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Psychology Research of the Month: September 2012 Edition

One of the basic tenets of psychology is that research is an absolutely vital piece of the advancement and success of the field. We recognize that tenet and we also recognize that all across the country, psychologists are conducting in-depth research that will almost certainly impact society in a positive or negative way. There is…
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How to Survive Introduction to Psychology Without Hating It

If there is one thing that can put a damper on a new college student's excitement about their new environment, it is the first day of an introductory class. It cannot be proven, but it certainly seems like every introductory class is held in that boring, gray building on the other end of campus. The…
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Why I Want to Major in Psychology

At this point, we have interviewed plenty of psychology professionals about how they first became interested in the subject, but we didn't have a student perspective -- until now. Eric is a rising sophomore at a four-year university in upstate New York. He hasn't officially declared as a psychology major, but he is strongly considering…
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15 Psychology Apps You Should Be Using

You didn't think psychology was an industry immune to the mobile explosion taking place across the globe did you? There is nothing that will replace the importance of research, counseling, and teaching in psychology, but the new mobile technology available offers interesting supplemental resources and allows people to take some sort of control over their own psychological…
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