How to Become a Counselor in Maine

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How Do I Become a Licensed Professional Counselor in Maine?

Similar to Illinois and Tennessee, the Maine Board of Counseling Professionals offers a two-tiered system for professional counselors: Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) and Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor (LCPC). These licenses represent two unique disciplines with several areas of overlap. While the two licenses share much of the same emphasis, the requirements for education and supervision are more advanced for the clinical license. Either way, future counselors are required to practice with a conditional license under supervision before they can apply for full licensure as either an LPC or LCPC. The Maine Board of Counseling Professionals FAQ can help you decide which license is right for you.

What Are the Requirements to Become a Counselor in Maine?

Whether a future counselor in Maine will be dealing with the increasing gambling problem plaguing the state, doing social work on the streets of Portland, or family therapy in Kennebunkport they’ll need all the education and experience required of them by the Maine Board of Counseling Professionals. As the Maine Clinical Counselors Association states, counselors in Maine are proud to maintain a holistic and collaborative approach in helping the people they serve.

Counseling Educational Track
Education Requirements Education Length Available Programs
Undergraduate Work Earn a Bachelor's Degree in Counseling 4 Years Online or Campus
Graduate Work Earn a Master's Degree in Counseling 5-6 Years Online or Campus
PHD or Doctoral Work Earn a Doctorate in Counseling 7-8 Years Online or Campus

Whether pursuing the LPC or the LCPC, future counselors are required to complete graduate coursework, receive a passing score on the National Counselor Exam(NCE), and complete the necessary supervised experience. This mixture of a qualified degree, from a program accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) or a degree in rehabilitation counseling from a program accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP), with supervised experienced gives a future counselor the skills and experience they’ll need to best serve the people of Maine.

What Are the Supervised Experience Requirements to Become a Counselor in Maine?

Applicants pursuing either the LPC or LCPC license must acquire a conditional license (LPC-C & LCPC-C) before obtaining board approved supervision. Future counselors are then required to complete at least two years’ counseling experience under the supervision of a senior clinician in order to receive their full license. The supervisor must be an LCPC, LMFT, Licensed Pastoral Counselor, LMSW-CC, LCSW, CSW-IP, licensed psychologist, or licensed psychiatrist and fulfill the board's requirements for either years of licensure experience or supervisory training.

LPC Requirements

2000 hours of which 1000 hours must be acquired during direct counseling with individuals, couples, families or groups. In addition, a minimum of 67 hours of supervision with at least 34 hours of individual supervision.

LCPC Requirements

3,000 supervised hours of which 1,500 hours must be acquired during direct client contact. In addition, a total of 100 hours of individual supervision is required. Of the 100 hours, 50 hours are allowed in a group setting.

In either case, commitment on the part of the supervisor and the licensee to keep good records will ensure accuracy and a well-documented application for a full license.

What Are the Examination Requirements to Become a Counselor in Maine?

Maine’s Office of Licensing and Registration’s Board of Counseling Professionals Licensure requires a passing score on the National Counselor Examination (NCE), administered by the National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC), for either a conditional or full licensure.

The NCE consists of 200 multiple choice questions designed to assess knowledge, skills, and abilities of licensure candidates. You will receive your score within 8 weeks of the examination. Study guides are available via the NBCC.

Note: For more information on how to become a counselor in the state of Maine, please visit the Board of Counseling Professionals Licensure.

Counseling Career Outlook In Maine

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, average salaries for the many types of counselors in Maine range from $41,930 to $68,090 as of May 2022. On average, rehabilitation counselors rank highest, but salaries vary greatly depending on the level of education, specialization, location, licensing, and the type of counseling provided.

Schools with Degree Programs Accepting Students from Maine

Additional Resources for Maine Applicants:

2022 US Bureau of Labor Statistics job market trends and salary figures for clinical and counseling psychologists, educational, guidance, and career counselors, substance abuse, behavioral disorder, and mental health counselors, rehabilitation counselors, and counselors (all other) are based on national data, not school-specific information. Conditions in your area may vary. Data accessed August 2023.