Employment Outlook & Career Guidance for Transpersonal Psychologists

Created by careersinpsychology

The term transpersonal psychology is often interchanged with spiritual psychology. Although relatively new, this field is growing quickly as the awareness of the link between spiritual health and emotional and physical health grows. Transpersonal psychology is the study of the human psyche and integrating psychology with spirituality and holistic life approaches. With the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) predicting employment in psychology to grow 6% through 2031, there is a wide variety of opportunities for these professionals.

What Types of Positions Can Transpersonal Psychologists Hold?

There are a variety of jobs that are perfect for these professionals, depending upon their level of education and their career goals. Transpersonal psychologists often spend time in research facilities studying the effect of spirituality and holistic living on the overall health of individuals, in educational settings, and in corporate settings as well. Just a few of the positions often held by these professionals include:

  • Teaching Positions
  • Corporate Consulting
  • Research Positions
  • Life Coaching
  • Art Therapy

“…the area of ‘spiritual intelligence’ is gaining popularity and momentum. So from this perspective there are certainly opportunities for psychologists and psychotherapists with an interest in spiritual or transpersonal psychology to begin making a big impact, even if this is indirectly implementing practices that could be described as spiritual psychology.” – Kyle Davies, Transpersonal Psychologist

Transpersonal psychologists can also find employment within:

  • Public Service – A variety of organizations and government employers are interested in utilizing transpersonal psychologists to maintain the spiritual health of their employees and associates.
  • Private Practice – A large number of psychologists are self-employed and the same goes for the branch of transpersonal psychology.

Learn more about how to become a transpersonal psychologist.

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Ways for Transpersonal Psychologists to Increase Desirability as a Job Candidate

In most states, the lowest level of education required for transpersonal psychologists is a Master’s degree. One great way of increasing desirability is for the transpersonal psychologist to pursue their Doctorate degree in this branch; it looks more appealing on a resume to potential employers and can open new doors of employment. Additional methods of increasing desirability can differ from one employer to the next and can depend upon the career goals of the specific individual. A Doctorate degree will be required for those who decide to pursue a career in counseling.

There are certain attributes most employers look for in this type of professional, including:

  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills
  • Great problem-solving skills
  • Heightened compassion and understanding
  • Being a member of professional organizations such as the American Psychological Association
  • Seeking additional education in particular branches

Ways for a Transpersonal Psychologist to Increase His or Her Salary

Obtaining higher education will also open doors for the transpersonal psychologist to receive a higher salary. Since most employers base salary on experience and education, those with a Doctorate degree can expect to make significantly more money than those who have only obtained a Master’s degree. Another great way to increase value in the eyes of an employer is to obtain specialized education depending upon the type of setting a professional wants to work in. For instance, those who would like to become consultants to corporations may want to take business courses so they can combine that specialized knowledge with their psychology education to achieve the best possible results.

Transpersonal psychologists can obtain licensure within their state to become counselors, which may offer a higher salary than some other types of positions.

Networking Opportunities and Organizations

Transpersonal psychologists who have the ability to attend conferences and workshops within their industry should definitely do so. This is a fantastic opportunity to learn new trends within the industry, as well as network with like-minded professionals. There are a few different reputable organizations for transpersonal psychologists, including the Association for Transpersonal Psychology, the Transpersonal Psychology Association, and the American Psychological Association.

Continuing Education Sources

The associations mentioned above are great resources for finding continuing education sources. In addition to those, the American Psychological Association provides a variety of continuing education courses for psychologists, and these are accredited by most state boards.

2022 US Bureau of Labor Statistics job market trends and salary figures for psychologists are based on national data, not school-specific information. Conditions in your area may vary. Data accessed June 2023.

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