Since its launch in 2006, Twitter has quickly become one of the most popular social media services in the world. The micro-blogging service boasts more than 500 million users around the world and it has become a marketplace of sorts for news, opinions, ideas, and promotions. Say what you want about the platform's value and usefulness, but there is no denying its staying power and its potential to deliver important information to its users. We recognize the power of Twitter and want to help our readers harness that power to learn more about the field of psychology, the influencers and newsmakers within the field, and the career possibilities and paths that one can take. We did a lot of intensive and in-depth research, and we came up with 100 psychology-related Twitter accounts that anybody interested in the industry should be following already including us; we follow them all. This list is subjective and it is not exhaustive, which means that plenty of worthy tweeters have been left off the list, which is a shame, but also necessary given the enormity of our list. The list is also not in any particular order. We are not interested in making judgment calls on silly subjective ideas like who is better at Twitter.
Dr. Susan K. Whitbourne: Psychology Professor, UMass
A psychology professor at UMass, accomplished author, and blogger for Psychology Today and the Huffington Post, Whitbourne is an active Twitter user and linking machine. You will rarely catch Whitbourne tweeting less than twice per day and she is usually linking out to studies or articles on a wide-range of psychology (and occasionally non-psychology topics). What's even better is that she isn't just using Twitter as a vehicle for self-promotion. Sure, she tweets out articles that she has authored, but she also tweets out plenty of other articles and is happy to interact with folks on Twitter, which makes her a unique and worthwhile follow.
Carole Lieberman MD: Media Psychiatrist/TV Personality

When it comes to “house calls” Dr. Carol Lieberman has made the rounds. From Oprah to Larry King and Katie Couric to Bill O'Reilly, Dr. Lieberman has been the expert on the scene. A three-time Emmy winner, Lieberman attended Belgium’s Université catholique de Louvain for her Medical Degree and completed her psychiatric residency training at New York University, Bellevue; where she was also Chief Resident. She is a diplomat for the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, and a member of the clinical faculty at UCLA's Neuropsychiatric Institute. Dr. Lieberman also has a Master’s Degree in Public Health form the UCLA. (
Dr. Art Markman: Cognitive Psychologist, University of Texas
While not quite the prolific tweeter that Whitbourne is, Markman is another well-known psychologist on the Internet thanks to his blogging efforts and his recurring segment for the feature "Two Guys On Your Head" which is broadcast on public radio in Austin. Markman sends out plenty of links but he spends just as much time interacting with fellow professionals and followers and is quick to retweet something he sees as useful or worth taking note of. Perhaps his Twitter personality's most admirable trait is that he is quick to praise others and doesn't hesitate to promote others as often as he promotes himself. Check out Dr. Markman's expert interview with us
here. (
Professor Bob: Psychology and Ethics Professor
Although he omits his full name, Dr. Bob is a professor with an expertise in psychology, ethics, and pedagogy whose Twitter account is veritable font of psychology-related news and information. In between quoting Vince Lombardi and Aristotle and retweeting and responding to followers and folks he follows, Dr. Bob provides a steady stream of links to thought-provoking articles from a wide-range of sources. While some psychologists on Twitter are content to link to Psychology Today and the New York Times only, Dr. Bob will link to anything he finds interesting. Oh, it helps that he has a snarky sense of humor as well (
Dr. Heidi Reeder: Blogger and Professor, Boise State University
This Boise State psychology professor and Psychology Today blogger is criminally under-followed compared to colleagues in the field. She isn't active every day, but she rarely takes a day off, and she mixes links to articles in with actual original Twitter posts that can range from thoughts related to psychology to experiences from the classes she teachers. It isn't hard to tell that she uses Twitter to inform herself as well and is constantly interacting with people on a variety of subjects as well. In a bubble where links to articles and self-promotion are almost too popular, Reeder uses her Twitter profile for a little bit of everything, and that versatility helps land her on this list. (
Miguel Angel Escotet: Dean, College of Education, University of Texas at Brownsville
Dr. Escotet loses points for a lack of versatility (he is basically a serial linker), but makes up for it by actually linking to useful articles on topics in both education and psychology and linking a lot. What some might consider spam, we see as an account that is worth following is only for the vast amount of news and information that it spreads. Dr. Escotet is usually good for more than 10 tweets per day and he mixes up the sources he uses and the content of the articles he is tweeting out. You may be a bit tired of seeing his 14th tweet of the day, but the more you read the more you know, and if his followers are any indication, more than 33,000 people are interested in what he is putting out there. (
Ben Miller: Assistant Professor, University of Colorado
A family medicine professor, researcher, and self-professed healthcare policy wonk, Miller says he is dedicated to getting healthcare policies to integrate mental and physical health but his Twitter account shows he is interested in that and a whole lot more. Judging by his constant stream of interaction and links, Miller is never far from his Twitter account and rather than use cookie-cutter descriptions to talk about the articles he links to, Miller uses opinion and quick summarizing skills to make the link he is tweeting out infinitely more interesting to click on. He gets extra points for his commitment to mental health and healthcare policy, as a heavy portion of his tweets are on those subjects, but his willingness to interact with followers and post original tweets make him a worthwhile account to follow. (
John Sutton: Editor of The Psychologist
The editor of The Psychologist, Jon Sutton doesn't exclusively tweet about psychology, but he does enough to warrant inclusion on the list. Using humor and a sarcastic wit, Sutton floats between tweets about music, his opinions on psychology studies, to scientific articles or findings he thinks are interesting. He is also very active on a daily basis, tweeting anywhere between 10 and 20 times per day. (
Dr. Laura Kauffman: Child Psychologist
Anytime one person can amass more than 100,000 twitter follows it is worth standing up and taking notice. Well, child psychologist Dr. Laura Kauffman has gathered quite the following thanks to her interesting tweets of articles and studies. She might not tweet 20 times per day, but when she does, she is usually promoting something worth reading. She clearly understands Twitter well too, mixing self-promotion, constant promotion of others, and willing interaction with her followers effortlessly. (
Jo Hemmings: Celebrity Psychologist
Whether you want to call her a behavioral psychologist, a media psychologist, or a celebrity psychologist (and in reality, it’s probably a combination of the three) you have to respect London-based psychologist Jo Hemmings’ willingness to get her name out there. She has quickly collected better than 16,000 followers thanks to her unmatched activity on the site and her recognition from her presence on multiple media platforms. You would be hard-pressed to find someone who is more active than Hemmings is on the medium and her tweets can range from relationship advice, to articles she finds interesting, to her opinion on current media stories. But she has likely amassed more than 16,000 followers based on her willingness to constantly interact with followers with questions of any sort. (
Graham Jones: Internet Psychologist
A respected psychologist, Jones’ primary public service on twitter is his constant stream of linked articles that are – almost without fail – fascinating takes on technology, the Internet, and how those things are integrating themselves with business. Many professionals try to amass followers to don’t have the same willingness to follow others. Jones follows more than 4,000 people, and then filters out the interesting news to send out to his approximately 9,500 followers. He will occasionally step out and interact with curious minds and retweet opinions he agrees with, but it’s the articles that he digs up regularly that make him an awesome follow. (
Dr. Marsha Lucas: Neuropsychologist
Given the number of people who regurgitate what they think is interesting on Twitter, if you are going to tweet out articles you think are interesting, you better hope they actually are interesting. Fortunately for the more than 25,000 followers of Dr. Lucas, she seems to understand this fact and picks her spots for article promotion well. If you are interested in the brain and how it works, Dr. Lucas usually has some interesting subject material on her feed that is well-worth the read. (
Vaughn Bell: Clinical Neuropsychologist
If you want to follow clinical neuropsychologist Vaughan Bell, you better make sure your brain is following on all cylinders, because the content he chooses to promote, is usually very intellectual and nuanced, which is usually fine, given his audience. But if you can follow along, you will see the content he promotes is usually fascinating, and his willingness to interject his own opinion makes him a more interesting follow than most heavy linkers. (
Ingrid Wickelgren, Editor at Scientific American Mind
If you are a psychology aficionado, you should already be following the Twitter account of Scientific American Mind Magazine where you can read articles with all sorts of insight into brain science and behavior. But that doesn't satiate your appetite, Wickelgren is another good follow because of her steady stream of brain science information and articles. Yes, a lot of the linked articles are to the magazine (pretty understandable if you think about it) and she can be a bit self-promotional at times, but usually that self-promotion is worthy of a click and she seems more than willing to engage with followers and readers who agree or disagree with articles and their opinions. Following Wickelgren should be especially appealing to those who don't want to miss anything from the magazine. (
Mo Costandi: Neuroscientist turned Guardian Blog Editor

Attention psychology folks, it should really go without saying that you should be following the editor of the Neurophilosophy blog from one of the world's preeminent newspapers, but Costandi's Twitter account is much more than just the brand name behind it. For starters, Twitter isn't exactly made for deep intellectual thinking, yet Costandi manages to sound brilliant whether he is tweeting out a link to an article or whether he is responding to a question or comment from a follower. Also he is quite active on Twitter, as any media member should be, and he does a remarkable job of striking a balance between blasting out links to articles, retweeting opinions he finds interesting or thought-provoking, and responding to followers with detailed and well-thought out opinions. If there is a reason he seems so brilliant on Twitter, it is because he probably is, so even if you can't totally understand what exactly he means, you can't help but learn something about neuroscience from following him. (
Dorlee Michaeli: MBA, LMSW
A social worker and editor of her own Social Work Career blog, Dorlee is an excellent source of information about social work and psychology in particular. For starters, she is an active tweeter who usually sends out more than one link to a good article per day, and she also knows better than to just blast her followers with her own work. She also does an admirable job of hunting down the Twitter handles of authors and professionals whose work she is linking to, and anyone with that type of dedication to attribution is good in our book. Let's not forget that she is quick to thank those who compliment her and usually has informative and interesting lead-ins to the articles she is linking to. If we are picking nits, we should say that it can be quite tough to follow her Internet short-hand, but you get used to it once you have seen it enough. (
Dr. Marilyn Price-Mitchell: Developmental Psychologist
A two-site blogger, developmental psychologist, and founder of ParentNet, Dr. Price-Mitchell is not only a professional dedicated to her field, she is also a terrific writer and active youth advocate. On Twitter, she can skew a bit heavy on the links and you sometimes wonder what words she is deciding to hashtag, but her links are usually to excellent blog posts or articles directly related to her craft, and you can't help but appreciate her quick and to-the-point style of why you should click on the articles she is linking to. Most importantly, she is tweeting out articles multiple times per day and actively monitors her own Twitter feed so that she can retweet interesting posts from the folks she is following and so she can interact with folks who are either talking about her or to her. (
Christian Jarrett: Editor of BPS Research Digest
You can just tell from any number of his tweets that this accomplished English psychology writer, editor, and author feels comfortable using the platform. He links to articles using brief but informative explanations, he is quick to retweet something he finds interesting, he doesn't mind adding additional commentary to something he finds interesting, and he regularly interacts with others in the space. All of this and we haven't even mentioned that Jarrett is an excellent writer with equally as excellent judgment of what is interesting, meaning that the things he links to are usually worth reading, including if it is something written by him. (
Dr. Steve Maraboli: Motivational Psychologist
Behavioral Scientist and Motivational Psychologist Steve Maraboli has amassed an incredible Twitter following thanks primarily to his wildly popular inspirational quotes, which is why the majority of his timeline is filled with original tweets of his quotes or retweets of other accounts that are quoting him. Usually we aren't big fans of relentless self-promotion and singularly minded Twitter accounts, but it's okay to go with what you know and what you are good at, and there is little doubt that Maraboli has gotten quite good at delivering informational quotes that resonate with people. Quite frankly, we can't help but be impressed by the sheer volume of quality inspirational quotes that Maraboli is responsible for. If that was our job, we would have run out of useful things to say years ago. (
Cesa Chung: Clinical Psychologist
Few people, let alone working professionals, are able to maintain the upbeat and positive attitude that permeates Dr. Chung's Twitter account. She is also a versatile tweeter who will thank all of her followers for helping her promote her work in one tweet, link to an excellent article in the next tweet, and send out an inspirational quote in her next tweet. Her account isn't quite as active as it once was, but she seemingly picked things back up in recent weeks and rarely ever lets a mention of her sneak by without thanking or interacting with the person who mentioned it.(
Dr. Timothy Lomauro: Psychology Professor & Clinical Psychologist
A clinical psychologist and psychology professor at both LaSalle and Lehigh, Lomauro has clearly earned and deserves the respect of his colleagues and others in his profession. Aside from the occasional Follow Friday shout out of folks in the industry, Lomauro use Twitter exclusively for linking to stories and luckily for all of us, the man has a very good idea of what makes an interesting and important psychology story. Actually, not even all of the stories he links to are directly related to psychology, but the majority of his articles are psychology-specific and they come from a wide variety of some of the most respected national newspapers and trade magazines in the space. If you don't feel like trying to filter your psychology news, just let Dr. Lomauro do it for you. (
Susan Newman: Social Psychologist
Newman may very well rival Lomauro when it comes to shining the Twitter spotlight on industry-specific articles worth reading. She too has an excellent eye for what makes a worthwhile psychology story and also does a good job of teasing the articles she is linking to. She also deserves major props for taking up the arduous task of crediting the authors of all of the articles she is linking to because the practice is unnecessary but also a major part of being a good Twitter citizen, which Newman clearly is. Newman also clearly reads her Twitter timeline as a steady stream of retweets and interactions with fellow psychologists or folks who have mentioned or linked to her can be seen through her page. (
Richard Wiseman: Psychologist
Psychologist, Author, and Magician Richard Wiseman should probably consider adding Twitter Celebrity to his resume since the man has amassed more than 120,000 followers by being creative, funny, probing, and intelligent with his tweets. Wiseman scores major points for originality as rather than post a stream of linked articles, Wiseman asks questions, takes photos of his travels, links to ridiculous viral videos on the Internet, adds commentary and opinion to other people's tweets, and oh yeah, occasionally mentions psychology articles or topics that he is interested in. Wiseman should probably serve as a lesson for future psychologists looking to gather followers as the way his personality shines through his account is what makes him one of the more interesting follows in the space. (
Steven Fleming: Cognitive Neuroscientist
Fleming is another example of how folks who allow their personality to show through on Twitter are usually more interesting. A cognitive neuroscientist, Fleming links to plenty of studies or articles or academic research on the brain or human behavior, but its so perfectly blended in with the rest of his tweets that its impossible to get sick of. Fleming will also tweet about daily occurrences, interact with followers or those who mention him, retweet interesting articles or opinions from colleagues, and occasionally even highlight articles that don't have anything to do with cognitive neuroscience. Fleming is a perfect example of how to treat Twitter like a excellent source of information and publicity while also making it fun and relatable at the same time. (
Anibal Astobiza;PHD Psychology Candidate

The Spain-based Astobiza doesn't even have his doctoral degree in psychology yet (he is working on it at the University of Basque Country). But he seems to have gotten the hang of this Twitter thing before some of his more accomplished peers. First of all, it would seem that Astobiza always has Twitter open in front of him just based on his timeline activity. One minute he is linking to a neat study, the next minute he is chatting with folks about topics that interest him, and the next minute he is linking to an article on 500 Greatest Albums of All Time. What Astobiza seemingly gets that others in the profession don't is that Twitter is a communication medium that doesn't have to be used in a specific set of ways. Astobiza isn't trying to promote his own work and he isn't trying to pump his followers with psychology links, he is just using it to learn about others' opinions, share his own opinions, and give some insight into his world, which is of course why he makes our list. (
Dr. Deborah Serani: Psychologist, Author, Professor at Adelphi University
While we like to praise those professionals who use their Twitter accounts in different ways, there is something to be said for psychology professionals who know their area of expertise and choose to own it. Dr. Deborah Serani is a psychologist, an author, and a self-professed depression expert and knowing that people follow her for interesting information about depression, she chooses to stay on topic in all of her tweets, flooding folks with interesting stories and studies about depression as well as her opinion on some of the subjects. This isn't to say that she is of a one-track mind, because there is some interaction, the occasional bit of self-promotion, and more general psychology-related tweets. But give Dr. Serani credit for knowing her value to her audience and capitalizing on that. (
Dr. Erlanger Turner: Clinical Psychologist & Psychology Professor
A clinical psychologist and Assistant Professor of Psychology at University of Houston-Downtown. Dr. Turner is also a blogger for Psychology Today and has been quoted by several media sources including a piece he wrote for the New York Times. (
DeeAnna Nagel: Psychotherapist & Entreprenuer
A psychotherapist and the co-founder of the Online Therapy Institute and TILT Magazine, DeAnna Nagel has a Twitter account that just won't quit. She recently sent tweet No. 25,000 and she shows no signs of slowing down any time soon. She likes to self-promote, but when you have so many irons in the fire, how can you not? And she occasionally mixes her personal politics (primarily about privacy issues) into her account, but she knows how to credit others when they post something interesting, she is always advertising how the Online Therapy Institute can help and she clearly doesn't mind interacting with folks who are trying to engage her. Anyone who is this active on the medium deserves to be followed because when you throw so many darts at the dartboard, eventually one is going to hit the bulls' eye, and more than a few of her tweets have done exactly that. (
Gordon Schmidt, I/O Psychologist
An industrial and organizational psychologist and professor of Organizational Leadership at Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne, Schmidt has a unique focus in work that translates to his Twitter account as well. A news hound, Schmidt is constantly retweeting interesting articles and sending out his own articles from different sources. But he isn't a two-trick pony either. Schmidt watches who is mentioning him and interacts with most folks who want to be interacted with. He also occasionally adds a bit of his personal life to his Twitter account with his refreshing and makes following him more relatable.(
Dr. Kathleen Young: Clinical Psychologist
Although Young wasn't as active on Twitter in October as she had been in previous months, we are willing to give her the benefit of the doubt because she has been such an excellent follow up to this point. A trauma psychologist in Arizona, Young blends article links and retweets with profound and important thoughts and opinions on psychology, trauma, and other related topics. She has strong opinions and she isn't afraid to share them, which is exactly what makes her a compelling Twitter follow. She is a good Twitter citizen who links to others in the profession and credits them often but her value lies in her dedication to her profession and her field. You can see the passion in her tweets and her mix of original opinions and retweeted articles makes her an excellent person to pay attention to if you are interested in psychology. (
Kara T. Tamanini: Child Therapist
Kara Tamanini is a "kid" therapist who holds a Master's degree in Clinical Psychology from Barry University and she has more than 15 years of experience as a mental health professional. Her focus is on children and she works with children and adolescents experiencing a number of different issues. She is also an accomplished author and blogger who knows how to articulate her opinions and find worthwhile news about the field. (
Dr. Cheryl Arutt: Clinical & Forensic Psychologist
Dr. Arutt is best-known for her frequent guest commentating spots on CNN and other networks, but don't sell her psychology education chops and experience. As an undergraduate at UCLA she worked as a certified Rape and Domestic Violence counselor, and went on to earn a Doctor of Psychology degree from California School of Professional Psychology-Los Angeles. She specializes in recovery from Trauma/PTSD and infertility, but she also worked as an Adjunct Professor at California School of Professional Psychology at Alliant International University where she taught a variety of psychology classes. Her media-savvy means she knows how to be interesting and engaging on Twitter. (
Uriah Guilford: Child Psychotherapist
A dedicated child and adolescent psychotherapist, Guilford specializes in using humor and creativity to help young clients deal with their issues and it shows in his versatile and personal Twitter usage. Guilford is also an author and prolific blogger who provides advice and opinions in longer form for those who are interested. (
Dr. Keeley Kolmes: Psychologist & LBGTQ Advocate
A licensed psychologist in California, Dr. Kolmes received her doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology from the California School of Professional Psychology - San Francisco and has a world of experience in the field. She currently manages her own private practice but she also provides social media ethics training to other professionals in the field and does a lot of work with a variety of psychology groups dealing with sexual issues. Her work as a social media consultant means she knows what she is doing on Twitter, as evidenced by her more than 80,000 followers. (
Dr. Louis Rothschild: Clinical Psychologist
Dr. Rothschild is a clinical psychologist practicing in Providence, Rhode Island who is a graduate of the New School for Social Research in New York City. His work deals specifically with relational and intrapsychic patterns of thought and feeling that lead to stuck points and then helping engage clients in productive and meaningful change in their lives to get over those stuck points. (
Dr. Russell Hyken: Individual & Family Therapist
A graduate of Saint Louis University and still a current St. Louis resident, Dr. Hyken offers educational evaluations, ADHD assessments, and individual/family therapy through his private practice, Educational & Psychological Services, to help strengthen familial bonds and also help individuals lead successful and productive lives. He specializes in ADHD issues and diagnosing learning disabilities and is considered an expert in the field. He regularly blogs and tweets on the subjects that interest him. (
Kristy Labardee: LMFT
Labardee is an experienced and accomplished therapist who specializes in marriage and family therapy. She earned a Master's degree in the subject from Cal-State Fullerton and she works with a variety of clients dealing with a variety of issues at a community counseling clinic in California. She has experienced dealing with individuals who suffer from everything from Bipolar Disorder to ADHD and tries to help clients deal with their emotions and cope with the struggles. She is trained in both play therapy and EMDR and is certified as an Alcohol Abuse Treatment Specialist. (
Dr. Steve Wright: Research Psychologist
Dr. Wright is a research psychologist and the founder of the website where he blogs about how to create a more meaningful and happy life for yourself. (
Dr. Athena Staik: Licensed Therapist & Author
With more than 10,000 followers, Dr. Staik has proven her social media value and worth and then some. She has a Bachelor's and Master's degree in psychology and she has a doctoral degree in Marriage and Family Therapy from Florida State. Now she runs a private practice in Virginia, working with adults, couples, and families and specializing in couple and family relationship issues, anxiety, depression, and addictions, in particular, addictive relating patterns, love and sex compulsions. She has developed her own therapeutic approach, Conscious-Love Relationship Therapy and has taught as an adjunct professor in the disciplines of psychology, family science and sociology for more than 12 years. (
Dr. Ann Becker-Schutte: Health Psychologist
A Kansas City-area psychologist who graduated from the University of Missouri-Columbia, Dr. Becker-Schutte is a counseling psychologist who runs her own private practice that explores challenging life issues with a caring, neutral listener approach. She strives to create a safe setting where clients can feel free to share their problems and she believes in using therapy to help people live meaningful and successful lives while learning to cope with a variety of issues. She also blogs daily on her website and is full of wonderful and meaningful advice. (
Dr. Melanie Greenberg: Clinical Psychologist
Dr. Melanie Greenberg is a California-licensed Clinical Psychologist specializing in Cognitive-Behavioral, Integrative (Mind-Body) and Emotion-Focused approaches. She holds a doctoral degree in Psychology from Stony Brook University and boasts nearly 20 years experience in the field, which is which she is considered a leader and an expert in the profession. A founding faculty member of the Clinical Health Psychology track of the Doctoral program at the California School of Professional Psychology (Alliant Internatonal University) in San Diego she is an accomplished and illustrious author of countless papers in the space and has served on numerous editorial boards as well. (
Dr. Debbie Grove: Psychologist
Dr. Debbie Grove is a registered psychologist currently in private practice at Learning to Live Psychological Services. With a doctoral degree in Applied Psychology from the University of Calgary and specialization on depression and other mental health related issues, Dr. Grove is worth a follow for those interested in the field. She blogs regularly at her website with advice about helping people navigate change and cope with depression and anxiety issues and her Twitter handle is just another outlet to spread her opinions. (
Dr. Pamela Rutledge: Psychologist & Speaker/Author
Dr. Rutledge is Director of the Media Psychology Research Center where she works to understand the human experience of media in every aspect of life. A speaker, writer, and researcher, Dr. Rutledge's specialization is in the impact on individual and group behaviors of social and mobile networks and subjective user experience of flow and efficacy. She is also is adjunct faculty in the Leadership Psychology program and faculty director of the Media Psychology program at the Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology and adjunct faculty at Fielding Graduate University, which is where she received her PhD in Media Psychology. (
Dr. Stephanie Mihalas: Psychologist & Bullying Expert
A dedicated child mental health psychologist, Dr. Mihalas has a doctoral degree in psychology from the University of South Florida and a unique "ecological" approach to therapy with her patients. She advocates for taking a look at the whole child rather than just the obvious issues in treating and diagnosing a child. She is also active and opinionated on Twitter, which makes her entertaining and informative to read. (
The Dalai Lama: 14th & Buddist Monk
Although we find it hard to believe the Dalai Lama is actively managing his Twitter account himself, the man needs no introduction and you shouldn't need an explanation of why he is worth the follow. His holiness is one of a very few spiritual leaders with global reach and his Twitter feed is full of interesting pearls of wisdom, advice, and observations that everybody should be reading and taking note of. (
Dr. Stephanie Smith: Psychologist
Dr. Smith knows Colorado well. She got her bachelors degree in psychology at the University of Colorado at Boulder and her masters and doctoral degrees in clinical psychology at the University of Denver. Now she is a licensed clinical psychologist in Erie, Colorado with a laundry list of experience and specialties in helping clients of all ages with issues such as anxiety, depression, anger management, relationship issues, and substance abuse. She doubles as a Public Education Coordinator in Colorado for the American Psychological Association and regularly writes, blogs, and tweets about the industry. (
Dr. Dan Ariely: Collegiate Professor
Not all psychologists let their personalities shine through online, Dr. Ariely is different, which probably helps explain why he has more than 57,000 Twitter followers. A professor of Psychology and Behavioral Economics at Duke, Ariely is particularly interested in decision-making and how research could help individuals make better life decisions. He is also a founding member of the Center for Advanced Hindsight, is an accomplished author, and is regularly blogging or writing or tweeting about his observations, his work, and behavioral economics as whole. That should be more than enough to convince you to click the follow button. (
Sarah Jayne Blakemore: Neuroscientist & Collegiate Professor
London-based neuroscientist Sarah-Jayne Blakemore is probably too smart for us, but for folks interested in psychology and the development of social cognition and decision-making in adolescence in particular, Blakemore may be an excellent source of information and news. A professor at the UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, Blakemore has a doctoral degree in Experimental Psychology from Oxford and her current research studies things like psychophysics, eye-tracking, and neuroimaging. Too detailed for a layman, but perhaps the perfect follow for an aspiring neuroscientist. (
Roger Dooley: Neuroscience Marketing Professional

Dooley is part of the small group of people on this list without a psychology degree, but his work intersects so perfectly with psychology that we felt he was clearly worthy of inclusion. Armed with an engineering degree from Carnegie Mellon and an MBA from the University of Tennessee, Dooley is now the president of his own consulting firm where he studies neuromarketing and social marketing and helps clients formulate business strategies based on brain science and research. Dooley is a go-to quote on the topic for the mainstream press and regularly speaks at conferences around the country. He is so passionate about the subject, he started his own neuromarketing website where he covers breaking news about brain science and research and also topics related to technological innovations. He is also an active Twitter user with more than 17,000 followers, which means he must know a thing or two about social media and how to use it. (
David Webb: Psychologist & Professor
David Webb is far more than just a psychologist. Sure, he has an honors degree in psychology and a Master's degree in Occupational Psychology from the University of Sheffield and was a psychology lecturer at the University of Huddersfield as well. But he also started writing for and hosting his own psychology website, All About Psychology, and still works as an online psychology tutor and research dissertation supervisor. He is especially interested in forensic psychology but is really a must-follow for any psychology fan just because of his clear passion and devotion to the subject and profession. (
Michael Anestis: PhD & Joye Anestis, PhD, Psychotherapy Brown Bag Founders
What's better than following one smart psychologist on Twitter? Following two smart psychologists who share one account. Mike Anestis received his doctorate in Clinical Psychology from Florida State University and currently works as an Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Southern Mississippi where he researchs emotion dysregulation and suicide. Joye Cox Anestis also received her doctorate in Clinical Psychology from Florida State University and also currently works as an Assistant Professor at the University of Southern Mississippi where her research focuses on issues concerning mentally ill offenders. In addition, the duo also run an online magazine called Psychotherapy Brown Bag, that discusses the use of science in clinical psychology. Do we really need to tell you why these two are worth following? (
Jeffrey Guterman PhD: Counselor & Author
For long-time psychology aficionados, Jeffrey Guterman should be something of a household name by now. For new psychology aficionados, it's probably time to get to know Guterman's work and opinions. Guterman has a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from Boston University and a Master's degree in Counseling Psychology and Family Therapy and a doctoral degree in Family Therapy from Nova University. He is now a Licensed Mental Health Counselor in Florida and a Qualified Supervisor for Marriage and Family Therapists and Mental Health Counselors in Florida. He was formerly the associate editor of the Journal of Mental Health Counseling from 1997 to 2000 and is the author of more than 100 publications. He has also amassed more than 100,000 Twitter followers where he is incredibly active and responsive. (
Todd Kashdan: Collegiate Professor & Clinical
An associate professor of psychology at George Mason University with a Master’s degree and doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology from the University of Buffalo, it’s safe to say that Kashdan knows a thing or two about the subject material. Kashdan is also the senior scientist at the Center for Consciousness and Transformation and the primary focus of his work is on staying happy and positive and achieving a successful and fulfilling life. He is also a daily Twitter user who shares stories, interacts with followers, and posts original thoughts, making him both an informative and entertaining Twitter follow. (
Todd Finnerty: Clinical Psychologist
Dr. Todd Finnerty is a clinical psychologist who wears many hats. Not only does he run his own independent psychology practice in Columbus, Ohio, but he is also the Psychological Consultant to the Ohio Division of Disability Determination, the President of, LLC, and the Public Education Coordinator in Ohio for the APA. His vast and wide-ranging experiences give him plenty of credibility in the field and he has plenty of knowledge on the profession and the industry in general to share. He is not the most active or diverse Twitter user, but he does use it pretty consistently and usually shares worthwhile reads or thoughts, making him a worthwhile follow for people interested in psychology. (
Dr. David Kantra: Clinical Psychologist & PsychDigest Author
A graduate of the University of Denver and the University of Notre Dame, Dr. David Kantra is a Clinical Psychologist who specializes in individual, couples, and family psychotherapy, psychological testing, and business consultation. But not only does he share a private practice in Alabama with his wife, but he also owns and operates, a self-help site providing information on the world of psychology and specializing in looking at the human experience, how to achieve happiness, and how to live a more fulfilling life. His Twitter feed features a lot of the articles that go on the site, but it is also full of clever quotes, catchphrases, and sayings that are worth reading if you have the time. (
Dr. SunWolf: Collegiate Professor at Santa Clara University
Dr. SunWolf’s only formal psychology education comes in the form of a Bachelor’s degree in psychology from Fresno State, but she also has a Master’s degree and doctoral degree in Communication from UC-Santa Barbara and has used those degrees to pursue a career that incorporates plenty of psychology and neuroscience into it. She is now a Professor of Communication at Santa Clara University where she teaches interpersonal communication, friendships and romances, and group dynamics. A former trial attorney, she is also a Visiting Professor at Santa Clara University School of Law, and teaches a course that integrates research about neuroscience, prosocial behavior, complaints and gratitude, and our complex relationships with other people. She is an excellent writer and an avid user, which should be more than enough reason to hear what she has to say. (
Dr. John Grohol: Founder & CEO of Psych Central
Armed with graduate degrees in Psychology from Nova Southeastern University and an early understanding of the potential impact of the Internet, Dr. John Grohol has become a staple and well-known figure in the psychology community. He helped people access mental health and psychology resources online by creating Mental Health Net and then Psych Central, the first mental health social networking community. He is also a proven researcher and author who specializes in self-help books and helping psychology businesses and practices understand how to navigate the psychology landscape. He is a prevalent member of the psychology community and also a smart and informative Twitter follow, so don’t hesitate to read what he has to say. (
Jeremy Dean: Psychologist & Author of PsyBlog
Dean may not have began his career in psychology but he has quickly become a household name in the field thanks to his well-read and well-received website that is aptly titled “PsyBlog”. The website is a scientific look at the mind and how it works and the content is a refreshing mix of stories on scientific studies from academic journals and more fun and light pieces on current events and trends in the field. Dean already has two psychology degrees and is working towards a doctoral degree in the field which, if anything, should make his website and Twitter account all the more worthwhile for interested minds. (
Tracy Ochester: Mental Health Psychologist
There are plenty of well-qualified licensed psychologists on Twitter but Dr. Ochester is able to stand out by being consistently active, engaging, and insightful through her handle. Armed with a doctoral degree in psychology from Wright State University and a Master’s Degree from Eastern Kentucky University, Dr. Ochester is an experience and knowledgeable psychotherapist who helps teenagers and adults with issues ranging from depression and stress to relationship troubles. She is also a member of multiple psychology organizations and is a talented writer with a side interest in teaching in the field. That multitude of talents and her engaging Twitter personality make her well-worth the follow. (
Jay Dadlani: Aspiring Cognitive Neuropsychologist, Research Assistant
Although his blogging and tweeting has fallen off in recent months, Dadlani is an excellent writer and thinker, especially when it comes to neuroscience. He has a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and a Master’s degree in Cognitive Neuropsychology and also writes on his website which is now titled “Mind Your Head”. He is aiming for a doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology with an eye towards becoming a qualified neuroscientist. His primary interests include heavy topics like schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s Disease, and Parkinson’s Disease, and you can tell he is well-read and knowledgeable on the subjects. (
Michael F. Steger: Psychologist
After earning a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Macalester College, a Master’s degree in Counseling from the University of Oregon, and a PhD in Counseling Psychology and Personality Psychology at the University of Minnesota, Dr. Michael Steger has spent nearly his entire professional career working in the world of academia. Now an assistant professor of Counseling Psychology at Colorado State, Steger’s research focuses on understanding what creates well-being and what are the most effective ways to reduce psychological stress in people’s lives. He also loves to interact with others on Twitter, so curious and inquiring minds should give him a follow. (
Katie Cadigan: Director of PBS
Cadigan is one of the few worthy follows on this list who does not ply her trade as a psychologist and doesn’t have a formal psychology background. Instead she has a Bachelor’s degree from Brown and a Master’s Degree from Stanford and makes a living as a documentary filmmaker. That said, she has made two very sizable contribution to the field of psychology by producing “People Say I’m Crazy” and “When Medicine Got It Wrong”, a pair of documentaries that shined light on schizophrenia and helped start a movement to help rethink how people, including medical professionals, understood the disease. Her tweets are not exclusively about psychology and schizophrenia, but a quick glance at her timeline shows she is passionate about the subject, and that is more than good enough for us. (
William Harryman: Psychotherapist
Harryman has his fingers in so many different professions that it’s hard to imagine how he finds time in the day for all of his work. He has two Master’s degrees, including one in Community Counseling, works as a psychotherapist for sexual trauma victims, works as a personal fitness coach, and moonlights as a writer. His writing is well-informed and well-written and he maintains an active profile on Twitter where he shares stories he finds interesting and also interacts with interested followers and non-followers alike. (
Matt Lieberman: UCLA Neuroscientist
As the Director of UCLA’s Social Neuroscience Laboratory and author of the well-received book “Social”, Lieberman is very well-known in the field. He has a Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy and Psychology from Rutgers College and a PhD in Social Psychology from Harvard and has since then spent his entire career at UCLA, working his way up to the position he has now. A prolific writer, Lieberman’s best-known book explores research centering on people’s fundamental need to connect with each other and has a delivered a TED Talk around the same subject. If you have read this far, you should really already be following him. (
Dr. Jay Watts: Chartered Clinical Psychologist, Psychotherapist
She calls herself a “Shrink-at-Large”, which makes it seem like she is a wanderer within the profession, but in reality, Dr. Watts is one of the most accomplished and social media-savvy psychology professionals across the Atlantic Ocean. She currently boasts a Master’s degree in Psychology and a PhD in Clinical Psychology and has multiple post-graduate certifications in various forms of psychotherapy. She currently works at her private practice clinics and spends one day per week working as a Honorary Senior Research Fellow at Queen Mary, University of London, and she teaches a number of training programs in the field. She is also an Associate Fellow with the British Psychological Society and an interesting and original follow on Twitter to boot. (
Dr. Andrew Mendonsa: Concierge Psychologist
Armed with a heaping of psychology degrees and accolades in the field as well as more than 400,000 Twitter followers, Dr. Mendonsa is a no-brainer for those wondering who is worth following in the psychology profession. He specializes in helping people find their own path to recovery and uncover their own healing powers, and in addition to maintaining his practice in Sacramento and Beverly Hills, he does work in the state’s prison system, works on an Emergency Crisis Team at a hospital and teaches psychology courses at local colleges. But, the reason behind his Twitter popularity is that he is a media mainstay who regularly makes appearances on ABC and on the radio and has published numerous books related to his work. (
Dr. Jill Weber: Psychologist, Author
Dr. Weber’s website will have you believe that she is a well-rounded clinical psychologist serving a wide range of ages with a variety of issues such as depression, anger, and anxiety. All of those are true but most might know her as something of a gender expert. The Virginia-based psychologist got her PhD at nearby American University and is now employed in private practice, as a staff psychologist for Fairfax County, and as a part-time professor. But she is best known for her work as a commentator on sex, gender, relationships, and female identity. She is even a published author on the subject. (
Dr. Christopher Ryan: Author, Podcaster
To call Dr. Ryan simply a psychologist is to ignore the ridiculous amounts of different experiences he has had over the course of his career. He does have a PhD in Psychology from the Saybrook University in San Francisco and his book, Sex at Dawn is steeped in some of the psychology he studies. But he is also an accomplished world traveler, a podcaster, and avid Twitter user. You can come for the nuanced and learned opinions of the culture of human sexuality, but you will probably end up staying because that’s hardly the only reason Dr. Ryan is such an interesting follow. (
Jesse Bering: Psychologist, Writer
At first blush, telling you to follow the author of a book called Perv: The Sexual Deviant In All of Us seems a bit odd. But Bering isn’t just any old wordsmith, he is also an extremely bright and funny psychologist who began his career as a psychology professor at the University of Arkansas and is now a psychology media staple, primarily because when Bering talks about human sexuality – whether seriously or humorously – people stop what they are doing and listen. A widely published blogger and contributor, Bering effortlessly transitions between science and humor as he writes on awkward or controversial topics such as sexuality. His skill with words is probably why he has been able to amass nearly 6,000 twitter followers despite working in a niche field. (
Jamie Madigan: Psychologist, Author
Dr. Madigan, who has a PhD in industrial-organizational psychology from the University of Missouri in St. Louis, is one of the lucky ones. He is a psychologist who has been able to turn his personal passion for video games into a professional passion studying the psychology of video games and gaming in general. That isn’t to say that he isn’t a talented and well-respected psychologist, because he is, but his interest in the psychology of gaming has helped him earn a loyal following of those interested in the cross-section of the two subjects. He is now the media’s go-to expert on the subject and continues to write popular stories on his Psychology of Games website. His Twitter feed is obviously gaming-centric, but his opinions are interesting and the corner of the market he has unearthed is clearly a popular one, so don’t forget to follow him. (
Toni Bernhard: Psychologist & Author
Bernhard has the special distinction of being one of the only members of this list without a formal psychology education and doctorate degree. Instead she has a law degree, which she used to teach law at the University of California – Davis until she got sick and was forced to retire. The blessing in disguise is that the illness gave her time to write her book, How to Be Sick: A Buddhist-Inspired Guide for the Chronically Ill and Their Caregivers, which has gone on to receive much acclaim, especially within the psychology and self-help community. Now she regularly blogs about using Buddhist teaching to combat sickness at Psychology Today and is a voracious tweeter, especially when it comes to her work. (
Jordan Gaines Lewis: Neuroscience PhD Student, Writer
Although not quite yet a member of the neuroscience profession, Jordan Gaines Lewis has become a household name in the field thanks to passion for science and writing ability. Her blog, Gaines On Brains, is one of the best of its kind in the neuroscience blogosphere and her work editing ScienceSeeker, a science news aggregation site, shows she is an equal opportunist when it comes to sharing work and thoughts in the field. The Penn State PhD candidate has amassed nearly 2,000 Twitter followers thanks to her web-savvy and neuroscience writing and if you have an appetite for science news, Gaines Lewis is a must-follow. (
Dr. David Ballard: Head of APA's Center for Organizational Excellence and Psychologically Healthy Workplace Program
When you head up the APA's Center for Organizational Excellence and Psychologically Healthy Workplace Program, you tend to be someone worth following on Twitter and one glance at Dr. Ballard’s page and you can see that more than 17,000 people have already received the message. Ballard got his PhD with a concentration in organizational psychology from Widener University and now heads up an APA center designed to help employers create a workplace culture that promotes employee well-being and organizational performance. He is also, as you might imagine, quite active on Twitter and most of the information and tidbits that make up his feed are quite interesting or at least well worth reading. (
Dr. Gwendolyn Keita: Psychologist, Executive Director - Public Interest (PI), APA
Dr. Ballard isn’t the only APA staffer worth following. Although she doesn’t boast nearly the same number of followers, Dr. Keita, who serves as the Executive Director of Public Interest for the APA, is just as worthy of your attention on Twitter. The office’s goal is to use psychological science to promote and benefit the welfare of society and Dr. Keita is just the woman to lead it. Dr. Keita got her PhD in social psychology right down the road from the APA headquarters at Howard University and has published a number of papers on women’s health with a particular focus on African-American women. She is a well-respected voice in the psychology community, especially when it comes to women’s health and she now uses that voice to promote news, tidbits, and APA happenings via her Twitter feed.segments of society through education, training and public policy. (
Dr. Ali Mattu: Science Fiction Psychologist, Cognitive Behavioral Therapist at Colulmbia Psychiatry
Few psychologists are as multi-faceted as Dr. Mattu. After studying psychology at UCLA and receiving his PhD in clinical psychology from The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. was a post-doctoral fellow at the NYU Langone Medical Center Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Now, he is a clinical psychologist at Columbia University’s Clinic for Anxiety and Related Disorders. He is also a teacher and serves on the APA’s Policy and Planning Board. But that’s not all;he is also a self-professed science fiction geek and excellent writer. He merges the passion and the talent at his website, Brain Knows Better, where he writes about the psychology of science fiction, and on Twitter, where he is active and engages with followers regularly. (
Guy Winch: Psychologist, Speaker, Author
Dr. Winch got his PhD in clinical psychology from New York University in 1991, then completed a postdoctoral fellowship in family and couples therapy at NYU Medical Center and he has been working with individuals, couples and families in his private practice in Manhattan ever since. He is also an accomplished author, a keynote speaker, and a frequent source in the media;and this public presence has allowed him to build a substantial following on Twitter. He mostly promotes his blog on Psychology Today, which is full of good work, but he also points folks in the direction of the work of other psychologists and regularly retweets interesting articles. All of this makes him yet another worthy follow. (
Dr. Mike Atwater: CE Clinical Director for GenesisCE
J. Michael Atwater is a licensed psychologist who has been practicing for more than 30 years in Palm Beach County. Using an individualized, multi-disciplinary approach, Dr. Atwater assists his clients in leading more productive and satisfying lives. In addition to his work as a psychologist, Dr. Atwater is the CE Director of, an online site offering continuing education for all mental health professionals. He is also very active on Twitter and constantly interacts with his followers and sends out interesting articles. (
Dr. George Huba: Psychologist, Former CEO of The Measurement Group
Having amassed more than 70,000 Twitter followers, retired psychologist Dr. George Huba has become one of the most followed psychologists or neuroscientists in the world. Armed with a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Fordham University and PhD in Psychology from Yale, Huba started his career in the space as a research psychologist at UCLA but spent the majority of his professional career as the founder and president of The Measurement Group, an organization that evaluated of health and social care programs, applied research on drug abuse treatment, HIV services, and plenty more. Now retired, Huba spends most of his time blogging and on Twitter, so make sure you don’t miss his insights. (
Dr. Donna Rasin-Waters: Psychologist, Neuropsychologist, Past President of the New York State Psychological Association
A former president of the New York State Psychological Association and something of a New York lifer, Dr. Rasin-Waters is one of the better known neuropsychologists in the New York City metropolitan area. She earned a PhD in clinical psychology from Long Island University in the early 1990s and has made her living as a neuropsychology ever since. She is also quite active on Twitter, constantly retweeting articles she finds interesting as well as sharing psychology-related stories with her followers. (
Dr. Brent Roberts: Personality Psychologist at University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Author

He may have less than 300 followers and he may go a bit heavy on the retweet button, but Dr. Brent Roberts is still a worthwhile follower for any avid psychologist. A professor of Personality Psychology in the Department of Psychology at the University of Illinois, Dr. Roberts received his Ph.D. from California-Berkeley in 1994 in Personality Psychology and worked at the University of Tulsa until 1999 when he joined the faculty at the University of Illinois. He was won multiple awards for his research and contributions to the field of Personality Psychology and has also served as the Associate Editor for the
Journal of Research in Personality and serves on the Editorial Board of many other journals related to Personality Pscyhology. He loves to retweet articles he finds interesting, but he also is quick to reply to questions and occasionally post his own interesting article, so it’s a good idea to follow him. (
Aleks Srbinoski: Psychologist & Author
Australian psychologist Aleks Srbinoski may seem like just another self-help guru, but his extensive education background in psychology proves he is much more than that. He has a Masters Degree is Clinical Psychology and still works as a self-employed psychologist. He is also a certified hypnotherapist and a practicing life coach. His most well-known work is Fulfilling Happiness, a self-development system designed to help people achieve their potential both mentally and physically. He is also something of a social media savant, having built a following of more than 5,000 on Twitter with his omnipresence on the platform and willingness to interact with anyone who is interested. (
Jaclyn Hunt: Autism & Special Needs Life Coach
Once on track to be a Marriage and Family Therapist, Hunt switched gears and is now her own boss working as a life coach for adults with Autism and Special Needs. She studied Psychology as an undergraduate at Rutgers University before earning her Masters Degree in Behavorial Sciences with a specialization in Psychological Services from nearby Kean University. Part of the reason she makes this list though is because not only does her education and her experience make her a font of information, but she is more than willing to share some of that knowledge through her multiple daily tweets. (
Dr. Susana De Leon: Psychiatrist
After graduating from the University of Panama’s School of Medicine in 1992, Dr. De Leon studied everywhere from Baylor to the Houston-Galveston Psychoanalytic Institute and then back to Baylor again. After graduating from Baylor with a specialization in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Dr. De Leon returned to Panama and opened The Bridge Center – a facility focused on mental health and emotional well-being of families and individuals – in 2008. She stills serves as a Psychiatrist there and also works as a service provider for the U.S. Embassy in Panama and makes numerous media appearances. Needless to say, her unique experiences and extensive education make her an excellent follow on Twitter, where she boasts more than 4,000 followers. (
Dr. Kenneth Barish: Clinical Associate Professor at Weill Medical College, Author
Few psychologists have as much experience as Dr. Kenneth Barish who has been a practicing psychologist for more than 30 years. He studied as an undergraduate at Yale University and got his PhD in Clinical Psychology from the New School for Social Research. He is perhaps best known for his book
Pride and Joy: A Guide to Understanding Your Child's Emotions and Solving Family Problems. But he is also Clinical Associate Professor of Psychology at Weill Medical College at Cornell University and also serves on the faculty at the Westchester Center for the Study of Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy and the William Alanson White Institute Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy Training Program. His tweeting is admittedly sporadic, but considering how busy he seems to be, that can be forgiven. (
Dr. Neal Houston: Sociologist, Behavior Health Modification Specialist, Psychologist
Dr. Houston is not only an accomplished psychologist and respected voice in the mental health and life wellness community;he is also a prominent figure on Twitter with more than 7,000 followers. Houston has been training to be a psychologist all his life and after a bachelor’s degree in the subject from Penn State, a master’s degree in the subject from Philadelphia University, and a PhD from the University of Canterbury, he has settled into a private practice in Pennsylvania where he works primarily with clients who have bipolar disorder, suffer from depression, or are coping with PTSD. He is big on the retweets, but he also has strong news judgment and following him could lead to some interesting stories. (
Dr. Stephanie Sarkis: Psychotherapist, Author
There are many mental health counselors across the country who work with clients with ADD or ADHD, but Dr. Sarkis sets herself apart because she doesn’t just work with clients with ADD or ADHD, she specializes in treating the disorder and teaching clients to live with it. She is the author of four books on the subject, has received awards for her research from the APA, and is a constant media presence when an expert is needed to talk about the disorder. She has a master’s degree and a PhD in mental health counseling from the University of Florida and now runs a private practice in Boca Raton, teaches at Florida Atlantic University, and maintains an active Twitter page that is worth checking out. (
Vivien Sabel: Psychotherapist, Author
UK Psychotherapist Vivien Sabel has been able to accrue more than 5,000 Twitter followers for two primary reasons. The first is that she is a relational psychotherapist serving a niche market – and that market is children and adults who are deaf. Of course she doesn’t only treat clients who are deaf, but she specializes in that area as evidenced by her successful book. The Blossom Method – Sabel’s book – is the second reason behind her popularity. The book revolves around the Blossom Method, which is a “revolutionary way to communicate with your baby from birth” and it has become quite the popular read and has garnered multiple awards for infant mental health along the way. She is an active presence on Twitter and is plenty outspoken about issues she cares about and interesting news she thinks should be read, so give her a follow. (
Amy Brann;Neuroscientist, Author
A talented neuroscientist, Amy Brann has made a name for herself through her book, Make Your Brain Work, her work as the director of Synaptic Potential, and her research on how people work and how to help people work more productively and efficiently. Creating a more productive and efficient workplace and worker is Brann’s passion and one of the main ways that Synaptic Potential is able to help clients, by helping them unlock the keys to increased efficiency, productivity, and capacity. She is also a “more than one tweet per day” kind of Twitter presence and that plus her passion and knowledge of neuroscience make her a great psychology account to follow. (
Dr. Lee Keyes: Psychologist

Dr. Keyes is at the forefront of a very interesting and tremendously important field of psychology – college mental health. The psychology surrounding college and its students is expansive and fascinating and also very relevant given the dangers that stress and depression represent to college students. Dr. Keyes received his doctorate in Counseling Psychology in 1991 from Texas A&M and has been employed by The University of Alabama ever since. First he was a Staff Psychologist and now he is the Executive Director of the Counseling Center. His interest in college mental health has also led to consulting opportunities working with other colleges to create strategies around mental health and has also led to the founding of College Mental Health, a website dedicated to becoming a resource on college mental health. Given the relevance of the subject and his dedication to it, he is an excellent Twitter resource for interested parties. (
Dr. Katharine Brooks: Counselor / Career Coach at Wake Forest University
Dr. Brooks has been a career coach for quite some time now. She is currently the Executive Director of the Office of Personal and Career Development for Wake Forest University. Before that, she was the Director of Liberal Arts Career Services for The University of Texas at Austin for 10 years. And before that, she was the Director of Career Services for Dickinson College. She also teaches career-related courses and has written a number of books on career counseling as well. Brooks has a doctorate in Educational Psychology with an emphasis in Counseling Psychology, and a master's degree in Rehabilitation Counseling from West Virginia University. She also blogs regularly at Psychology Today and maintains an active Twitter presence where you should follow her if you are looking for information related to careers and career psychology. (
Dr. Daniel Levitin: Cognitive Scientist, Psychology Professor, Author
Few men or women have earned their stripes in academia more than Dr. Levitin. Not only does the man hold three degrees in psychology subjects (a B.A. in Cognitive Psychology from Stanford, and an M.S. and PhD in psychology from the University of Oregon) but he also did most of his post-doctoral training at elite universities and taught at Stanford and now teaches at McGill University in Montreal. But Dr. Levitin is not your stereotypical academic;his main interest is studying the intersection between your brain and music and he has done audio and psychology-related consulting for the U.S. Navy as well as bands like the Grateful Dead. He is also the author of two acclaimed on music and psychology and is the Dean of Arts and Humanities at the Minerva Schools at KGI. Oh did we mention he has more than 14,000 Twitter followers and tweets regularly? Yeah he does that too.. (
Dr. Paul Bloom: Psychologist, Professor at Yale Psychology

While some psychologists like to dabble in different areas of the industry before settling into a comfortable setting, Dr. Bloom seemingly knew he wanted to be a professor from the minute he got his PhD. He got his B.A. in Psychology from McGill University in 1985 and five years later earned his PhD in Cognitive Psychology from MIT. Since then he has been working as a psychology professor or lecturer at schools like Brandeis University, the University of Arizona, the University of British Columbia and even Korea University. He is currently a professor of Psychology and Cognitive Science at Yale University where his research interests primarily lie in studying how children and adults understand the physical and social world. He is routinely published in scientific journals and has become a household name in academia thanks to his research and longevity. He also manages an honest, introspective, and informational Twitter account with almost 14,000 followers. (
Dr. Rita Handrich: Psychologist, Jury Expert
To say Dr. Handrich has a psychology specialty would be a vast understatement. She started with a PhD in Psychology from Virginia Commonwealth University and specialized in Gerontology and Women’s Issues. But after a decade of work as clinical psychologist she found her calling studying the psychology of juries and hasn’t looked back. In 1996 she began working as a psychologist for the University of Texas and she worked there until 2010, but at the same time she was also working as a legal and jury consultant and in 2008 began editing a quarterly e-journal that offers psychology research as potential strategies for lawyers when dealing with the jury. She is an excellent writer and clearly a font of psychology and social sciences information, which comes out often in her Twitter account. (
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