How to Become a Psychologist in Arkansas

The rules and regulations involved in the psychologist licensure procedures in Arkansas are apt to change at a moments notice. The absolute best way to stay apprised of all of the current requirements is to periodically check in with the Arkansas Board of Psychology via their website. After all, you'll be in school for quite a few years and certainly don't want to waste time by inadvertently straying off path.

Alabama Psychology License Education Track
Education Requirements Education Length Available Programs
Undergraduate Work Earn a Bachelor's Degree 4 Years  Online or Campus
Graduate Work Earn a Master's Degree 5-6 Years  Online or Campus
PsyD (Doctor of Psychology) Earn a PsyD Degree 6-7 Years  Online or Campus
PHD in Psychology (Doctor of Philosophy) Earn a PHD Degree 6-8 Years  Online or Campus

What is the Starting Point to Become a Psychologist in Arkansas?

The psychologist licensure procedures in Arkansas require you to stay in school for a number of years. The best way to aid your career goal is to get enrolled in an undergraduate program and also to try to spend some time doing career-specific research.

Use caution when enrolling in school for your associates or bachelor's degree, as you'll only want to consider attending an accredited and recognized university. When the time comes to go for a Master's or Graduate degree, you don't want to run into issues getting your earned credits transferred.

Click the links below to peruse schools with psychology programs in Arkansas.

Moving on to doing some of that career research, you should think about what particular aspects of psychology truly appeal to you. Gaining some knowledge at a hands-on level can let you experience a small taste of what your job will be like. Check into some local volunteer organizations, and try to find one that will give you the experience that you want to mirror.

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How Should I go About Finding a Master's Psychology Program in Arkansas?

With either of these degrees accomplished, the battle for a psychologist license is half way over. You'll want to stay the course and put in applications for that next degree. Master's and Doctorate psychology programs in Arkansas can be competitive, so apply early and consider several schools.

Get in contact with schools that offer the Master's, PhD, or PsyD courses in Arkansas that will help you take the next step in your educational endeavors.

A specific career path should be declared when enrolling in either program because most of your classes will heavily focus on your specialty. Take a look at our extensive Psychology Career section for valuable insight, or consult with your advisor or the counselors at your school if you need some career guidance.

While in your upper-level studies, the chance to perform an internship will be offered to you, and this is a great way to knock out one year of the mandatory supervised hours required for Graduate students.

With these courses complete and your PhD or PsyD in hand, continue with the licensing procedure.

What is the Actual Licensing Process for Becoming a Psychologist in Arkansas?

These steps will guide you through completing your psychologist licensure in Arkansas.

Those of you with a Doctorate have achieved the pinnacle of all education, and will now only need to get in one more year of supervised work study before qualifying for licensure. Make certain to check out all of the guidelines that outline supervised internship periods at the APA Website.

With those hours behind you, the time has finally come where you can request the Psychologist Licensure Application, and then submit the completed forms to the Arkansas Psychologist Board for approval.

After your request is approved, the Board will notify you to take the EPPP, and you must pass this national licensure examination to proceed with the orally administered jurisprudence exam. Register for the EPPP here, and find EPPP Practice Exam links here.

Once you conquer the challenges presented by these examinations, the board will do a final review of your psychologist licensure application and test scores before informing you of your official licensure.

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