How to become a psychologist in Hawaii

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In order to become a licensed psychologist in Hawaii, you must first receive a degree in psychology from an accredited or approved institution. Your degree must be in psychology or a closely related subject such as educational psychology.

As in most states, the educational path for a psychologist will require a Ph.D. or PsyD.   Below is a guide that will walk you through the process in this specific state.

What Degree Do I Need to Become a Psychologist in Hawaii?

Attaining a master’s degree is compulsory for all licensed psychologists practicing in Hawaii but you must then continue with higher education and gain a doctorate degree in psychology.

To comply with licensure requirements in Hawaii you must achieve a doctorate degree, whether it’s a Ph.D. or a PsyD, in psychology or a closely related field from an approved or accredited institution. This is a necessary step in order to practice as a psychologist in Hawaii. Learn more about a psychology degree in HI.

Below is the complete educational path for the Psychologists:
Psychologist Educational Track
School Programs Average Education Length Choosing Online or Campus
1. Earn a Bachelor's Degree View Programs 4 Years Online or Campus
2. Earn A Master's Degree View Programs 2 Additional Years Online or Campus
3. Earn a PHD or PsyD View Programs 2-4 Additional Years Online or Campus

Supervised Work Hours and Examination Requirements in Hawaii

Once you have completed either your Ph.D. or PsyD you are also required to complete 1900 hours of supervised professional experience over the period of one year.

Once you have gained your doctorate degree and completed 1900 hours of work experience you must then submit your licensure application to the Hawaii Board of Psychology. The board will review your application and if it is approved you will then be able to sit the Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology (EPPP) which is the final step to becoming a licensed psychologist in the state of Hawaii.

Note:  For detailed information about how to earn a psychology license in Hawaii, please see the Hawaii board of psychology overview of licensure as a psychologist.

What Can I Do with a PsyD vs. a Ph.D. in Hawaii?

Both a PsyD and a Ph.D. fulfill the requirements for licensure in the state of Hawaii as it is a doctorate in psychology that is needed. Whether you have graduated with a Ph.D. or a PsyD will, however, affect the career you embark upon once you have achieved licensure. The difference in the program between a PsyD and Ph.D. justify the different career options that the two degrees lead two. PsyD graduates are most likely to enter into very clinical careers with a lot of day-to-day patient contact whereas while this option is available to Ph.D. graduates they also have the added opportunity of becoming teachers or researchers.

While a PsyD and a Ph.D. are both doctorate degrees and therefore both applicable for meeting licensure requirements in Hawaii, students on these two courses will experience very different programs. A Doctorate of Psychology (PsyD) takes less time to complete than a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) because it requires a shorter thesis with noticeable less emphasis on research. The reduced focus on research is because a PsyD prioritizes clinical care and patient contact. On the other hand, a Ph.D. demands a thesis containing original research that then contributes to the field of psychology.

Psychologist Career Outlook in Hawaii

The average annual salary for a psychologist in Hawaii ranges from $96,680 for clinical and counseling psychologists to $111,450 for psychologists in other fields. While entry-level psychologists in clinical roles often earn closer to $53,000 in Hawaii, top-earning professionals report salaries of $123,220 and up as of May 2022.

Find information regarding tuition, financial aid, enrollment dates and curriculum by requesting information from the programs below:

Additional Psychology Resources for Hawaii:

2022 US Bureau of Labor Statistics market trends and salary figures for clinical and counseling psychologists, school psychologists, and psychologists (all other) are based on national data, not school-specific information. Conditions in your area may vary. Data accessed July 2023.