How to Become a Psychologist in Wisconsin

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Becoming a Psychologist in Wisconsin

Wisconsin offers up a rich history and beautiful sights, but that’s not all. For psychologists, it offers a healthy job market. According to Wisconsin’s Worknet, healthcare is the largest growing industry in the state. It’s expected to grow 20% through the year 2018. This means that once you’ve obtained your license, you shouldn’t have a problem finding a job. However, like most states, there are many steps required before an individual can become a psychologist in Wisconsin.

The responsibility a psychologist takes on with each patient is considerable, as they are often their patients’ greatest help in overcoming or managing mental and emotional conditions that can range from mild to debilitating. The state of Wisconsin understands this, and seeks to ensure that all of their psychologists are highly qualified and able to take on this responsibility. Professionals in the state of Wisconsin are not permitted to utilize the title “Psychologist” until they have obtained licensure within the state. Before that can happen, there is a series of requirements that must be met.

Education Requirements for Psychologist Licensing in Wisconsin

The first step in obtaining a psychology license in America’s Dairy Land is obtaining a degree from a doctoral program in psychology. The educational institution must be regionally accredited. Wisconsin offers up a few great programs available at schools like the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. You will find a full list of campus-based programs and online programs here.

The doctoral requirement doesn’t apply to you if you’re pursuing a career in school psychology. You will need to obtain a Master’s Degree in education or complete an education specialist program and fulfill the state of Wisconsin’s additional requirements.

Below is the complete educational path for the Psychologists:
Psychologist Educational Track
School Programs Average Education Length Choosing Online or Campus
1. Earn a Bachelor's Degree View Programs 4 Years Online or Campus
2. Earn A Master's Degree View Programs 2 Additional Years Online or Campus
3. Earn a PHD or PsyD View Programs 2-4 Additional Years Online or Campus

A doctoral program will typically take an additional 2-4 years to earn, after you've completed a master's program. The actual length of time varies depending upon the program you choose and your current educational background. Many programs will include hands-on experience in the form of an internship or residency, which will help as you gather your supervised experience for that requirement. Learn more about the many psychology schools in WI.

Supervised Professional Experience Requirements for a Psychologist

Applicants for licensure in Wisconsin will also need to complete a minimum of 3,000 hours of what the state calls “supervised psychological experience.” At least half of those hours must follow the completion of all requirements for the doctorate degree. The supervisor must have at least 3 years of post-licensure experience as well as having training or experience in the supervision of psychological work.

Examinations for the Psychologist License in Wisconsin

Individuals must take 2 separate examinations in order to become a psychologist in the state of Wisconsin. This includes the standard Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology (EPPP) administered by the Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards and the Examination on the Elements of Practice Essential to the Public Health, Safety or Welfare (the Ethics examination) administered by the Department of Safety and Professional Services.

The EPPP is a nationally-recognized, 225-question, multiple-choice examination and is given at various testing sites throughout the country. The Ethics examination consists of 100 multiple-choice questions and must be completed within 1 hour and 30 minutes. There is a portion of the Ethics examination that is oral as well. Candidates will receive their approval or rejection for both tests from the DSPS after review.

Note: You may find additional information about how to earn a psychology license in Wisconsin by visiting the Department of Safety and Professional Services.

Psychology Career Outlook in Wisconsin

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that there are approximately 2,140 clinical counseling and school psychologists in Wisconsin, and about 250 other types of psychologists. In May of 2011, it was reported that those clinical counseling and school psychologists were earning an annual median wage of $65,240. On a national level the median annual wage of psychologists was $67,880. The BLS defines the median wage as the center line, meaning that “half the workers in an occupation earned more than the amount and half earned less.” The lowest ten percent of psychologists on a national level earned lower than $39,060 and the top ten percent earned an annual wage exceeding $110,410.

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