How to Become a Psychologist in Montana

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The state of Montana has a relatively slow growth rate for psychologists, as the Department of Labor and Industry estimates the growth rate for 2020 and 2030 as approximately 10%. This means Montana’s clinical and counseling psychology workforce is projected to grow by only 20 employees by 2030. However, individuals who go through the educational, experience and examination requirements should be able to find a job with persistence in the state. Psychologists are offered competitive pay and benefits. Because psychologists often hold the mental health and well-being of their clients in their hands, the state takes the required qualifications very seriously.

Until individuals earn licensure within the state of Montana, they are not permitted to use the title of “psychologist.” The state wants to ensure that those who hold licenses are properly qualified, so they have put into a place a series of strict requirements.

Education Requirements for Psychologist Licensing in Montana

According to the Montana Board of Psychologists, individuals who are pursuing a psychology license must have earned a doctoral degree in clinical psychology from a university or college accredited by the American Psychological Association. The one exception to this rule is for those pursuing a license in school psychology, and those individuals must obtain a master’s degree in school psychology or complete an education specialist’s course.

Below is the complete educational path for the Psychologists:
Psychologist Educational Track
School Programs Average Education Length Choosing Online or Campus
1. Earn a Bachelor's Degree View Programs 4 Years Online or Campus
2. Earn A Master's Degree View Programs 2 Additional Years Online or Campus
3. Earn a PHD or PsyD View Programs 2-4 Additional Years Online or Campus

Most doctoral degree programs take between 3 and 7 years to complete, and many include supervised residencies and/or internships. Read up on MT psychology schools.

Supervised Professional Experience Requirements for a Psychologist

The statutes and rules of the state of Montana require individuals to accumulate some supervised experience before they qualify for licensure. This includes 2 years of supervised experience, and one of those years must be postdoctoral. This may not include more than 6 months of supervised research or teaching.

Note: To learn more about how to earn a psychology license in the state of Montana, please visit the Montana Board of Psychologists.

Examinations for the Psychologist License in Montana

The state of Montana, like most other states, requires individuals to take the Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology. This test is administered by the Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards and is nationally-recognized. The test is multiple-choice and is offered at facilities all over the country. The second examination is an oral examination given by the Psychology Board and is designed to test individuals’ knowledge of the ethics of psychology in the state of Montana as well as various other topics.

Psychology Career Outlook in Montana

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that in May of 2022, there were 440 clinical, counseling, school, and other types of psychologists in the state of Montana. The BLS reports that these individuals earned an annual average wage between $70,820 and $83,080.  Nationally, the lowest 10% of clinical and counseling psychologists earned lower than $42,760 per year while the top 10% earned higher than $168,790.

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Additional Psychology Resources for Montana:

2022 US Bureau of Labor Statistics market trends and salary figures for clinical and counseling psychologists, school psychologists, and psychologists (all other) are based on national data, not school-specific information. Conditions in your area may vary. Data accessed July 2023.