How to Become A Social Worker in Utah

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Utah Social Work Licensing Requirements

Social workers fulfill a variety of important roles in a community. They can be found as administrators of community centers or as case workers at local, county and state social services organizations. Social workers can also help to run homeless shelters or sometimes provide mental health and wellness counseling. These are just a few of the ways they help those in need at the individual, family and community levels. In Utah the Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing offers three levels of licensure for social workers:

Social Service Worker
Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work


Three years, full-time
supervised experience. A
minimum of 2,000 post-
degree hours for
bachelor’s applicants.
For master’s applicants,
no supervised work experience.
ASWB National Bachelor Social
Work Examination
Clinical Social Worker
Master’s Degree in Social Work


No supervised work
ASWB National Clinical Social
Work Examination
Licensed Clinical Social
Master’s Degree in Social Work


Full-time supervised
experience. A minimum of
4,000 post-
degree hours.
ASWB National Clinical Social
Work Examination

Learn more about social work degrees in Utah

SSW Requirements in Utah

Social Service Workers are the bachelor level social workers in Utah. They provide a number of administrative and case worker functions. This title is often viewed as an entry level professional and a first step to higher level licensure.

  1. Education Requirements: At minimum, a bachelor’s degree in social work is required from a CSWE-accredited institute.
  2. Work Requirements: Applicants with a bachelor’s degree must complete at least 2,000 hours of post-graduate work experience under the supervision of a mental health professional. This supervision takes place over a two-year period, full-time. Those who first achieve a master’s degree can waive the supervision requirement.
  3. Exam Requirements: Applicants must pass the ASWB national exam at the bachelor’s level, which they will apply to take directly through the ASWB.
  4. Application Package: Before submitting an application package, you should gather together the following components:
    • Completed application from the state board
    • Academic transcripts
    • Documentation of supervised hours
    • ASWB exam results
    • Criminal background check results
    • Verification of legal residency
    • Driver’s license or state photo ID

CSW Requirements in Utah

Certified Social Workers are master’s level professionals and can perform many advanced social work functions. They generally do not function as mental health professionals, and many only consult on these cases under the supervision of a professional with higher level licensure.

  1. Prior Licensure: While a SSW is not a requirement for this level of licensure, possessing one fulfills some of the prior requirements and can be helpful.
  2. Education Requirements: A minimum of a CSWE-accredited master’s degree in social work is required at this level of licensure.
  3. Work Requirements: There is no additional supervised work experience required for this level of licensing in Utah.
  4. Exam Requirements: Applicants should apply, register for and complete the ASWB national social work exam at the master’s level. Advanced generalist and clinical level exams are also acceptable for this license, and many pursuing a higher level license opt to go this route.
  5. Application Package: Your application package must include the following elements:
    • Completed application from the state board
    • Academic transcripts
    • ASWB exam results
    • Criminal background check results
    • Verification of legal residency
    • Driver’s license or state photo ID 

LCSW Requirements in Utah

Social workers who hold an LCSW are the highest level of licensed professionals in Utah. Those who hold this license can function at all levels of the profession and are certified to work as independent mental health professionals. 

  1. Prior Licensure: To apply for an LCSW, you must first hold a CSW in Utah.
  2. Education Requirements: A minimum of a master’s degree from a CSWE-accredited program is requisite.
  3. Work Requirements: CSWs seeking licensure at this level must accrue a minimum of 4,000 hours of supervised work experience in a professional setting. A minimum of 1,000 hours must be spent performing mental health therapy in the form of direct client care sessions. 100 hours must be spent in direct one-on-one sessions with the applicant’s supervisor.
  4. Exam Requirements: LCSWs must successfully complete the ASWB clinical level exam. You can apply and register for this exam directly through the ASWB.
  5. Application Package: The application package for this level of exam must include the following:
    • Completed application from the state board
    • Academic transcripts
    • Documentation of supervised hours
    • ASWB exam results
    • Criminal background check results
    • Verification of legal residency
    • Driver’s license or state photo ID 

The Importance of CSWE Accreditation

The Council of Social Work Education, or CSWE, is a national nonprofit body that represents thousands of organizations, individuals and institutes of higher learning. It provides oversight and guidance to make sure that social work education is of the highest quality and meets all current standards. Without this accreditation, your education will not be viewed as valid for pursuing licensure. You may not even be able to find employment. The importance of CSWE accreditation cannot be understated.

Persons without a CSWE-accredited degree could potentially apply with their respective state board for an exemption. However, the majority of exemptions are typically granted to individuals already licensed to practice other related disciplines like medicine or psychology.

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Additional Resources for Social Workers in Utah: